Recommended for Air & steam lines, diesel engines, hydraulic equipment and oil.
Water-hot or cold
Gas-Suitable for NG, LPG, TG, TLPG
Hard setting compound
Hardening time 24 hours depending on joint size and temperature
Gas- Class 1:Gass appliance, rated working pressure 20kPa
temperature limitation with these gasses is 0deg to 60deg C
Australian gas association approval No 4068 G
Water-hot or cold
Gas-Suitable for NG, LPG, TG, TLPG
Hard setting compound
Hardening time 24 hours depending on joint size and temperature
Gas- Class 1:Gass appliance, rated working pressure 20kPa
temperature limitation with these gasses is 0deg to 60deg C
Australian gas association approval No 4068 G